Mesaj in romana, apoi in engleza.
Message in Romanian, then in English.
Va multumim ca faceti parte din comunitatea
Comunitatea de intrebari si raspunsuri, Dj., Mc, pasionati de muzica, evenimente, productie muzicala.
Pentru ca sunteti in primii 50 de membri inscrisi va rugam sa va activati contul gratuit prin confirmarea mail-ului, asa aveti sansa sa ajungeti Moderator sau admin pe site daca deveniti activ prin intrebari sau raspunsuri, puteti accesa serviciile VIP si Premium ce vor fi lansate incurand pe platforma, veti putea avea accesa la alte servicii portal DJ. Mc.
Va recomandam sa postati intrebari sau raspunsuri in limba romana, si sa urmariti contul abia deschis de instagram
Thank you for being part of the community
The community of questions and answers, Dj., MC, passionate about music, events, music production.
Because you are among the first 50 registered members, please activate your free account by confirming your email, so you have the chance to become Moderator or admin on the site if you become active through questions or answers, you can access the VIP and Premium services that will be launched visiting the platform, you will be able to access other DJ portal services. Mc.
We recommend you to post questions or answers in Romanian, and to follow the recently opened Instagram account
Jul 21, 2024
Dj. Constanta